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Ok the next cheat you need to edit your user.ini which
I suggest you back up. Open up your user.ini with notepad. Find the
lines that say this: Aliases[26]= Aliases[27]= Replace those lines with these lines: Aliases[26]=(Command="SetDesiredFov 15",Alias=Zoom) Next, in your Unreal/UT system folder, creat two new
text documents using notepad. Title the first file Zoom and the second file Out. In Zoom.txt type this: zoom set input middlemouse exec out.txt Then open up Out.txt and type in these lines: out set input middlemouse exec zoom.txt Once you ar in Unreal or UT press tab and type: exec zoom.txt and you should zoom in on whatever you are viewing
and from then on each time you press the middlemouse button you will either zoom in or zoom out. Also you can set any button
you want to zoom with by replacing middlemouse with the name of the button. And you can set the FOV by changing the 90 and
the 15 to whatever you want (remember the higher the value the more you see). With this cheat you can zoom with ANY weapon
from ANY mod/mut, or just for scoping out things.